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    Yhm  40, Female, China - 21 entries
Jun 2010
12:12 PM PST

The greatest power of all time!

I have seen people who are so careless walking, some people who dare not to comb their hair, carefree who don't mind other people's opinion about the way he/she dress and some people who are so difficult to deal with.

Well, that's them before they're manipulated with this supernatural force that works within and try to conquer the whole being of this carefree people. I remember myself being not so conscious about my appearance, �what to wear, how to sit, & even how to laugh... but I came to the point that even the tiniest detail of my hanky needs to be freed from a tiny little wrinkle and won't hesitate to iron it. Thinking that it might make someone upset to look at it. well everything changes, and everything is a subject to change... however if this power changes someone, even your biggest pride will be dissolved in an instant, just to make sure that you'll win that someone who have conquered your heart. Love is the most powerful force that no one can resist. It conquers & change everything in an unexpected result. Bad to good, carefree to conscious and careful.
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